The Return of the Man Who Has Everything

ReturnOfMan.frontcover (1)

In The Return of the Man Who Has Everything, Rupert Loydell continues to explore post-confessional narrative in his poems, as he has previously done in Wildlife and the Smartarse anthology. The Man who Has Everything is an unlikely anti-hero, adrift in a world of instant gratification, momentary experiences and instant answers, in contrast to the music, art, books and conversation he prefers. Melancholic, witty and sometimes absurd, these new poems offer stories and observations, asides and assumptions, as they try to clear a way through the chaos that surrounds us and make sense of contemporary life.

Rupert Loydell is the author of many acclaimed solo and collaborative books of poetry. He is Senior Lecturer in English with Creative Writing at Falmouth University, the editor of Stride magazine, a parent, a music addict and an abstract painter (not necessarily in that order).

This is the most entertaining new collection I’ve read in a while… Its mix of lyricism, wit and expert technique make for an intriguing read and Loydell’s ability to mesh his various concerns – with art, family, work, nature, politics, friendship, to name a few – into a coherent, almost seamless discourse, has never been more masterly
– Tears in the Fence.

‘…brilliantly surreal, acutely observed and funny. …the self-deprecation, his want for routine, and his feeling of solitude brings this collection an honesty and sadness that stays with the reader…’
– Ambit

‘If you like your poetry linguistically rich, at times playful, willing to surprise and always honest in its revelation of self (or is it another?), then Rupert Loydell’s latest collection will delight and please.’
– Some Diurnal Aural Awe

‘… a collage of vivid thoughts and recollections creating a confessional of sorts though one that is purposefully unreliable. Loydell never fully lets on whether or not he believes in the statements he makes… a careful, humourous, and affecting discourse on the ephemeral nature of life, art and writing.’
– Litterbug



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