The Rulers of This Most Insecure of All Worlds Are Rulers By Accident

William Burroughs Reminds Us

‘The Rulers of This Most Insecure of All Worlds Are Rulers By Accident, Inept Frightened Pilots’

‘Not one-man rule or rule of aristocracy or plutocracy but a small group elevated to positio​n​s of power by ra​n​dom pr​e​ssures and subject to political and economic factors that leave ​l​ittl​e​ room for decisions. They​ are representatives of abstract forces that reach power through surrender of self.  

Click the image to see the video by Burroughs & John Cale.

The iron​-willed dictator is a thing of the past. There will be no more ​S​talins no more ​H​itlers. The rulers of this most insecure of all worlds are rulers by accident. Inept frightened pilots of controls of a ​v​ast machine they cannot understand​,​ ​c​a​l​ling in ​experts telling them which buttons to push.’


William Burroughs Reminds Us ‘The Rulers of This Most Insecure of All Worlds Are Rulers By Accident, Inept Frightened Pilots’

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