The Weasels of Westminster


Answering questions indirectly,

the weasels of Westminster,

secretly prey
on all of us.

Especially the poor, 

vulnerable and elderly.

Their blue nosed mission
as succinct as a tap dripping.

Their snouts are full of swill and their vibe

contains the sneakiest diatribe ever seen.

So while Chief Johnson and flurry of chums

scattered mixed messages.

Someone plants a seed.

Moving in all directions.

They do not socially distance.

One very feral weasel enjoys trips from Westminster to County Durham and Barnard Castle.

Enjoying his father’s woodland, and spreading traces of weasel everywhere. 

You can make no comparison between the Weasels of Westminster and the human race.

A peculiar kind of creature.

You will not be able to use track or tracing devices.

Their advisors are mainly scientific,

but trying to throw them off your scent when they have

stinky sewer breath, and sneaky lying tongues.

Only the Weasels of Westminster will answer, the call from the wild.




Carol Fenwick


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2 Responses to The Weasels of Westminster

    1. Thank you very much for publishing.

      Comment by Carol Fenwick on 2 June, 2020 at 2:52 pm
    2. Well observed…but please don’t insult weasels! Weasels are beautiful beings, who have done no wrong. (Our language is horribly, unjustly speciesist. We are barely conscious of it anymore, but it is a damaging, negative reinforcement.) They are as far removed from the Prideful Plonkers of Parliament as it is possible to get.

      Comment by Heidi Stephenson on 4 June, 2020 at 1:13 pm

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