this season is home

darkness & knots
in the blurs
of bodies & banners 
of an old famine 
is to declaim
new flesh
that swells like 
reprinted news
we pray for 
this season of ululation 
is home 
this border
names & their caretakers 
is home 
this poem is a translation 
of a map sans fissure
mothers don’t hope 
of thistle blossoms finding a path
in spring 



Debasis Mukhopadhyay
Illustration: Claire Palmer

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One Response to this season is home

    1. An introspective mapping of the stark reality captured with emotion.
      Stupendous in treatment, poingnant in details that allows the mind to trans migrate to the horrendous situation of which the poem substantiates to us.
      A genuine and honest effort.

      Comment by Partha Datta on 15 April, 2020 at 12:53 am

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