Tower of Babel

tower of babel

who’d want to live
in a tower block?

not the cabinet ministers
who reside in Dreamland

not all those architects
who have houses in Hampstead

not the local councillors
who never went to see

not the manufacturers
whose fireproof-cladding caught fire

not the fire-resistance testers
who did what they could

not the building inspectors
who went by the rules

not the disarmed firefighters
who fought the high-rise flame

not the multi-tongued citizens
who lie voiceless in their grave



Jeff Cloves

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2 Responses to Tower of Babel

    1. please listen to Lowkey and Mai Khalil’s magnificent Ghosts of Grenfell – an indisputably moving example of the power
      of music and language

      Comment by jeff cloves on 22 December, 2017 at 4:12 pm
    2. add to above reply: ► 6:40


      Comment by jeff cloves on 22 December, 2017 at 4:15 pm

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