Terrorizing the trapped, the terrified?

Racing to redden the writhing sea?

Animals (fellow beings) attacked?…Atrocity!

Delighting in death cult devilry?

Intentionally ignoring the cries of the dying, the suffering?

Trench warfare against the helpless unarmed?

Innocence stabbed at, cut up, butchered alive?

Ordinary people lost… in a Satanic frenzy?

New life, torn out of wild wombs?

Not all ‘traditions’ deserve preserving: slavery, wife-beating, cannibalism…the massacres of fellow beings.


Heidi Stephenson




By Heidi Stephenson

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6 Responses to TRADITION?

    1. Thank you for posting this. It’s worth remembering that Sea Shepherd managed to stop Japanese whaling in Antarctica, so if we all support them in any way we can, perhaps they will manage to stop this horror as well.

      Comment by Tim on 25 July, 2020 at 9:57 am
    2. Thanks so much for adding this rallying call, Tim. Sea Shepherd activists need all the support they can get from each and every one of us, no matter how small. If we work collectively… And they have turned the tide before.

      Comment by Heidi Stephenson on 25 July, 2020 at 11:17 am
    3. Thanks to Heidi for writing Tradition!
      True on many levels that-
      “Not all ‘traditions’ deserve preserving…”.
      That could be a stand alone quote.
      (I’d “like” it if I facebooked, but I don’t.

      Comment by Edward P Johnston on 28 July, 2020 at 6:17 pm
    4. Thanks so much, Edward.

      Comment by Heidi Stephenson on 28 July, 2020 at 8:12 pm
    5. Sea Shepherd are still trying to stop this horror. 138 pilot whales were slaughtered in the Faroe Islands last weekend. They’ve released a rather gruesome video of it that you can see here
      Please check it out and see if there is anything you can do to help stop this.

      Comment by Tim on 6 June, 2024 at 5:42 pm
    6. We really need to limit the definition of the word “culture,” when it is on the grounds of this that these sadists justify their heinously cruel and bloody ‘tradition.’ A year’s worth of pent up anger, temper, rage, resentment, inferiority, inadequacy…are all taken out on these magnificent, innocent beings; beings whom we should all be in awe of! There is no mercy at all. This is heart-hardened, cut off Satanism against the life force itself.

      I’m no Mail fan, but the story has been fully covered here (good on them):

      I want to see all animal killing and exploitation ended, without exception. We need to become peaceable and finally enter into right relationship with our extraordinary, fellow beings. The Faroese use the fact that cows, pigs, sheep and hens are killed to justify their own atrocities. We need a radical paradigm shift towards the Unity and Peace that surpass our current understanding. Respect, egalitarianism, nonviolence and compassion. And to support the campaigners in the meantime:

      Comment by Heidi Stephenson on 7 June, 2024 at 9:14 am

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