The dah dah dah of Shelley’s world’s great age via Ginsberg which is a molossus via the editor of a lecture transcript I have just read. We are here. We are death. Three long vowels. There is form and meaning being studied here, and I have to break the form to engage. I have to. We have to. I would say the necessary gravitas is in the latter. In the universal (to break the form by three beats). And we have finally broken / destroyed / decimated the time of the world’s great age, here in this third war. We are left with the ear to still hear it dying, like a jazz musician’s discordant lament.
Mike Ferguson
Illustration: Claire Palmer
Claire Palmer’s discordant lament pic of Shelley
Comment by jeff cloves on 27 August, 2022 at 5:46 pmhas achieved what most pics of him
(they all derive from one familiar image) usually
fail to do. I know I’ve tried. As for ‘this third war’
it’s just a continuation of all the other wars so it
can – and must be – resisted. Just as Shelley’s
Mask of Anarchy posthumously does.