What a curious experience, of a void filled by a divine universe’s machinations.
Unseen mechanisms spring to life, undirected, no text books for reference.
With utmost creativity, the hidden hand of non-expectation brings beauty to my door.
Cold winds, wet snow, (breezy theories), and the prospect of an arid winter and spring
Cannot penetrate to my heart through cold skin and shivering muscles; as I open the door
To ever rising melodies, wave after wave of impossibilities becoming fact. It happens. Happened.
Sit still and wait. A new injunction – now with evidence of efficacy. Still: wait. And watch the waves.
The tide will come and go, unstoppable. Each onslaught followed with inevitable respite.
Perhaps the ferryman will arrive, and perhaps not. In any case, the fare is already paid.
23:13, 10th December 2017