What Would Seem

As the accusations come 
Kings, it has to be said, foresake kingdoms. .
Men crowned by glory feel in the blood
Hidden thorns. Some splintered raft 
In the flood of a false dream of power 
Careening fast through disasters
That leave the countries of self warped
And torn. In the abandoned palaces
Men and those much less than men
Kiss the shadow. Obstructed light 
Becomes daggers as pillars conceal 
What goes on. Where the privileged once
Reclined, there is now rebellion from
The cellar. It is storming the gates 
And blood spilling. It is warping the end 
Of each song. Sex is presidential perhaps 
Making every victim fresh subject 
To those weighed and wasted 
By an unwavering need to belong. 
No man is king. 
Their reign can last but a moment. 
Some indulge just to taste it;
A sense of royalty constructed 
By a form of descent and dead tongue. 
David Erdos 2/11/17
Illustration: Claire Palmer
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