What you get when you try to access IT from government computers:

London Grid for Learning

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The page you tried to access is classified as: PROFANITY

URL: http://internationaltimes.it/?p=10911

  Your IP :   Time :   22 May 2012 19:47:06
  Policy Group :   205-0050_Peoples_Network   Filter Server :   nsef3.lgfl.org.uk

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3 Responses to What you get when you try to access IT from government computers:

    1. Let’s be honest, it is pretty fucking profane.

      Comment by oolong on 24 May, 2012 at 7:15 pm
    2. I’d have said ‘seditious’.

      Comment by Editor on 27 May, 2012 at 12:08 pm
    3. This is a serious issue and should be investigated further. The opposite to ‘profane’ if used in a religeous sense is generally accepted to be ‘sacred’, and secularly the opposite meaning would be ‘mundane’. What body assumes the right to make this judgement and then impose a censorship? The IT ‘site’ is not profane, although not being discriminatory it may carry some ‘profane’ material. This is called ‘Free Press’. Discuss. Come on, get your fingers out.

      Comment by Dave Tomlin on 30 May, 2012 at 1:30 pm

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