why would you do that?


do that do that

why would you

do that

break a heart

spoil a life

be a new wife

to another

do that do that

why would you 

do that

do that do that

why would you

do that

start a war

kill without regard

forfeit every yard

of ours

do that do that

why would you

do that

do that do that

why would you

do that

pollute the sea

foul the air

breed despair

ferment furore

do that do that

why would you

do that

do that do that

why would you

do that

break a heart

stain a star

maim and mar

no longer sing

do that do that

why would you

do that 



with my grateful 


to the poet 

George Deans 

from whom 

I’ve swiped a line




Jeff Cloves

Montage: Claire Palmer

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3 Responses to why would you do that?

    1. ‘pollute the sea
      foul the air’
      Claire Palmer’s illustration
      does exactly that

      I love her work
      it graces IT

      Comment by jeff cloves on 8 February, 2020 at 8:49 pm
    2. Jeff you are very welcome

      Comment by George Deans on 8 February, 2020 at 8:56 pm
    3. Thanks Jeff! x

      Comment by Claire on 9 February, 2020 at 2:42 pm

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