Zen Sex In A Trailer



The trailer quivers.

Her left leg dislodges

a half empty can of beer.


We hear the owl once,

then those crickets again.

It is zen to keep a few loose ends,

feel for the field mouse

and let the owl complete its circle.


On the hill of her one knee

her face lit for a split second

by a passing car

remains the same as ever- a stranger’s.


Let it be a silhouette, an inkblot,

a concept I conceive in kaleidoscope.

The trawler judders the night.

Her leg kicks an empty space a bit wet,

a bit jugged and sharp. 




Kushal Poddar
Illustration Nick Victor

Authored ‘The Circus Came To My Island’, ‘A Place For Your Ghost AnimalsUnderstanding The Neighborhood’, ‘Scratches Within’, ‘Kleptomaniac’s Book of Unoriginal Poems’, ‘Eternity Restoration Project- Selected and New Poems’ and now ‘Herding My Thoughts To The Slaughterhouse-A Prequel’ (Alien Buddha Press)


Author Page – amazon.com/author/kushalpoddar_thepoet
Twitter- https://twitter.com/Kushalpoe

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