40 days for lies



And bigotry reigned for 40 days and 40 nights

Outside a clinic – where women sought advice


To make a tough decision they’ll live with all their life

Then ’40 days for Lies’ turn up – and add to all the strife


Some reasons for abortion are abuse, violence and rape

Then some bible bashing nutter shouts, “you’re making a mistake!”


And tries to claim abortion is another holocaust

An argument in which all proportion’s lost


And then the tiny throng bleat out hymns like breying sheep

And talk to ‘God the Master’ , with eyes closed like they’re asleep


They argue every baby’s part of God’s special plan

Is that the one where I’ll perish – like a ‘kentucky fried human’?


So if a complete stranger shafts you with his rod

And you end up pregnant – well its just an act of God.


I know I sound quite drippy – I know I’ll be reviled

But I just happen to think each child should be a wanted child


I have some lovely children – I wouldn’t give up one

But that was a decision which I came to with their mum


Our rights have been hard fought for – we can’t afford to lose

A very basic concept – a woman’s right to choose.



Des Mannay



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3 Responses to 40 days for lies

    1. Brilliantly put, Des…

      Comment by Helen Hill on 16 June, 2018 at 11:43 am
    2. Well said Des. Good strong words.

      Comment by Julie Shackson on 16 June, 2018 at 2:51 pm
    3. Thank you for you for your comments, and for members of Abortion Rights Cardiff who read and gave feedback on an earlier draft. Always good to check with those on the front line in the struggle 🙂

      Comment by Des Mannay on 25 June, 2018 at 2:52 am

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