The action starts here!
And we can bring you the latest!
Oh right – how are things?
It’s been called a perfect storm
It’s been called a dream story or whatever
It’s so shocking as to impress at first glance;
A very alarming incident with flashing images
An absolute howler with distressing details, and there’s
A big buzz around a day filled with confusion and horror.
So, we’ll be going on a journey to find out why
Chasing down answers, hearing about the challenges:
And we’ll be asking why a lot more needs to be done.

Yeah that is amazing!
Stay with it? Heck, yes.
And you know what? They did.
The question now arises: What does this all mean for us?
Even if the mood music is more positive
Many scenes will shock some and dismay others.
We’ll examine the impact on low-budget whodunits
On poetry-in-motion, on fancy-free dough-balls and
On choosing the right path in life – or whatever.
But, look – for the crème de la crème – 
For the speed freaks and for gym managers
It’s a game of who blinks first.

How does that make you feel?
It’s just so exciting I’m nervous already!
Impossible to tell from the body language, yet
It’s striking to see weird concrete forms emerge
As spooky icebound spirits – all mist and murk, and
Hill fog – it’s a jaw-dropping entrance – or whatever.
Hello! Hellooo! How’s that for a cheeky little bonus?
When life gets messy press firmly to activate,
Yeah, absolutely! Crack open the fizz!
Take it forward and slowly get a wriggle on
Hit the groove and what else? Game on! Weeee!
And you know what? You didn’t cry, so well done.

Yep, next question – or whatever:
Will lessons be learned?
Absolutely! Yes absolutely! One hundred percent!
Well let’s try – this is where it’s at – or whatever
No worries! One! Two! Three!
Be seeing you!
What are you talking about?
How serious do you think this is?
All together now! One! Two! Three!
Sorry we have to leave it there but
Do join us next time.
Stay cool.



A.C. Evans

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