The poem that changed the world 


On Friday night I had a blowout

I drank a six pack of beer and smoked two single skinned up joints

The beer was fresh from the local shop

But the weed was nearly a year old


It was my attempt at suicide


After the joints and downing the last of the sixth beer

I was feeling sick as I smoked on a conventional cigarette

As I lay my head on the toilet bowl waiting for it to come out

My head was being dragged down by an invisible force

I thought I was going to die like some of the greats


Local and global


I suddenly realised I didn’t want to die like that

As I got myself out of this vortex and walked back into my bedroom

I was starting to sweat in cold air

While taking off my cardigan and boots

I could only see the only daughter I will ever have


My dog Candy


And all I could think and say to her was I’m so sorry honey I have let you down

I dropped down on the bed like death

I was certain I was going to die from this ordeal

A little while later I made another trip to the bathroom


There was still no sick


And I even thought I would shit myself at one point

Once again I made it back into the bedroom with my dogs tail wagging

I still thought and said I’m sorry darling I have let you down so bad


There was one thing for certain as I went through these half-drunk and stoned visions


I didn’t care about my writing


What I did care about was leaving my beautiful Candy behind

It really put everything into perspective for me


No writing

Just love to live for


That’s pretty funny for any dedicated artist

As I lay there swimming through the universe I knew it was about to happen

I didn’t have the energy to get up again so I puked on my already dirty bedroom floor

From there and having puke in my hair I passed out for an hour


When I awoke from those forty winks I felt rejuvenated but I needed food

And something to watch as a distraction

I made a chicken sandwich with crisps and some chocolate

And I put on some Podge and Rodge


A scare at bedtime

What a classic


As I finished off my food and listening to those Irish puppets

I didn’t know if I was going to get any sleep again

But as the DVD was coming to an end I passed out


Of course the next day I was as hungover as fuck

And I had a hint of paranoia from the weed


I needed coffee and water all morning

I also knew I needed a bath so I put on the water heater


And I knew there was no way I was going to be able to face the world

So I text my mum to see if she could go to the shop for me and she said yes


I had my bath and dried myself off 

Don’t worry I got the dog walked okay


I lay on the bed for a while with nothing but a towel on

I eventually got dressed and then my mum entered


I didn’t really want to talk about what I tried to do

So I told her a little fib


I told her I had a few too many beers

Nothing about the weed or the suicide attempt


We ate our food and had a pleasant chat as I downed half a litre of orange Lucozade


She left and I didn’t feel too bad at that point

I knew I needed to watch something to take my mind away from things


But I sat talking to my own god

And I even took a wank


After a while I started feeling like shite again and took a diazepam

I would feel like this for the rest of the night

And even feeling like I was going to take a heart attack


I just didn’t want those hot sweats again


I would fall asleep eventually and wake up to the next dawning morning

And again I felt like shite


But I did my usual routine without the help of my mother

That was a Sunday and this feeling would continue into Monday


As today came

This is a Tuesday


This is the first day I felt alive and healthy again


Now I’m sitting writing down all this bullshit

In order to move like the machine I am with words


And of course love


With all the talking I did from being unhealthy

I could have written a dozen poems or a story or a screenplay or even an article


But something really stood out to me today as the sun shines through the blinded moon


When I was a youngster I felt nobody cared what I had to say

Like when all the adults were talking shite

Or when I was skating with my friends

Or past girlfriends I had

Or even fucking counsellors I’ve talked to


I always felt like they dismissed important shit I was trying to say

Like a pop up on your computer telling you they are keeping you safe and you click dismiss


It always seemed like they blanked that stuff coming out of my mouth

Until someone else said something better

They became more interested in what they had to say over yours


So when this writing and poetry bullshit came into my life

I took it because I felt like I could voice my opinions

And if they were interested in what you had to say


They would read it

They would listen to it

They would watch it

They would even come out to hear it


I guess this is why I do this and why I am so fond of it

I am not in it like most to be a genius


I am in it to have a voice in the world

When I felt like people didn’t want to listen


I know every writer thinks what they write is great

But you’re just another scribbler


Just like me and most of the world


I believe every writer has one good piece of writing in them

One that will make their career

Some will make millions from it

Fans and the money

But I know myself that I will only speak to the underground


Maybe I’ve already written my one good piece

Or maybe not yet

But either way it will come

Or maybe it already has


But what I realised after three days of paranoia and ill health is


That love is more important than being a cynical artist


I know the ending is the best part of any writing

As I leave it here and walk away to feed my dog

Maybe drink another coffee and smoke another cigarette

Wishing only the best for you out there in this world


& hoping for no more death



Paul Butterfield Jr




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