A New Religion

10 commandments











I am looking for a new religion.
One that fits the world I live in,
it needs to make sense for today.
The ones I’ve seen just don’t fit.

They all prohibit the taking of life
yet we never stop killing.
They all say love you neighbors,
yet we tend to hate by default.

They preach kindness and forgiveness
yet we are cruel and relentless in
our punitive and uncompromising
ability to bear a grudge.

They speak of fairness and tolerance
yet the rich get richer, the poor poorer.
Usury and greed are the key elements
Of our god fearing systems.

No, I am looking for a new religion,
one which reflects the world today.
It is clearly gods plan that we should
Grab what we can as often as we can.

Seven cardinal sins, are virtues are they not?
For these are rules we actually live by.
Ten commandments, all wrong, who
put the word ‘not’ in those by mistake.

Clearly god’s purpose is to create a rich
and powerful elite, who will inherit
whatever is left when this planet is dead
along with all those who foolishly believe in love.




Written by Francis de Aguilar©2014
Pic: Claire Palmer


By Francis de Aguilar

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2 Responses to A New Religion

    1. Excellent Picture Claire, spot on Thanks.

      Peace Francis

      Comment by Francis de Aguilar on 13 November, 2014 at 6:25 pm
    2. Thanks Francis. Your words are spot on too.

      Comment by Claire on 19 November, 2014 at 6:18 pm

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