A ‘No’ Today


I wake up with no song in my head,
try to reminiscence what’s forgotten,
but I have no memory today, not yet.
The birds leave the tree nearby. Early coffee
sounds like a jet trail, not the plane itself,
but what remains when something leaves,
a weal amidst the clouds that we can see.
A solitary bee carries the soul of everything
I have obliterated. One read a book,
‘How to rescue a bee’. The best is to leave
the box we live in and let the windows eat
away its walls. I have no wall today. Not yet.





Kushal Poddar
Photo Nick Victor

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2 Responses to A ‘No’ Today

    1. Superb poem!

      Comment by Margaret Kiernan on 9 August, 2022 at 9:09 am
    2. Wonderful imagery, Kushal. A morning walk will wake up mindful experience to connect to your being and create new memories. It’s a beautiful morning.

      Comment by Chris Brockman on 9 August, 2022 at 1:00 pm

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