
Paula Rego

from Untitled: The Abortion Pastels





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4 Responses to Abortion

    1. to all Paula Rego fans…


      Comment by ep on 17 May, 2012 at 4:46 pm
    2. Thank you.

      Comment by Editor on 17 May, 2012 at 6:07 pm
    3. wow, these remind me of The Horrors Of War by Goya… i suppose abortion is a horror of war and more generally a secret horror of peace… gut-wrenching…

      Comment by roddymcdevitt on 18 May, 2012 at 8:09 am
    4. Check out her series on ‘Female Genital Mutilation’ in previous ITs, under that name and FGM 3, FGM4, and FGM5.

      Comment by Editor on 18 May, 2012 at 12:25 pm

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