I don’t want to save the planet
Let it sizzle and burn and flood
Do I believe in Jesus 33AD
On the high cross
Or Tsar Nicholas of 1918
Shot and bayonetted
Or St Petersburg into Leningrad 1924
The Reds or the Whites
Malevich’s white, Reinhardt’s red
Do I believe in love
Can I trust you
Having a good time
Don’t let me get too deep
No political solution, perhaps
It is you who must keep it satisfied
Must be working at it
Don’t take it too hard
Not in this heat, and sweat
Hadrian’s sycamore felled by vandalism
What have they got against trees
Of which there used to be so many
I could in some odd sense feel it
This image is being removed
Ran crying away
Which is no surprise
What am I to do
If I am not with you
Must I perjure myself
I believe in what must be the case
And as for the whole truth
I barely know it
Clark Allison
Picrure Rupert Loydell