Are they here?
Barking voices,
Continuos memorable quantity,
Shredding nightmares
Chased forever.
Shapeless dreams
They call emotions
Cross off-beat
Each rhythm.
Alienating comrade
Mixed in nights,
Yelling, jerked up
Far away,
Thumped out time zoned
Blue eyes.
Unexpected truce,
Are we there then?
In our immediate glory
Of Impure white,
Grey afternoon
Animalistic fragment
Of the other,
Sober dream,
Tick-tock-ing free
Compulsive, oblivious
Careless in ambition,
Nurtured guide dog;
Soundless ally to any crisis.
What stares in silence,
What screams
In the soliloquy of the other
While Tick-tocks tick-tack
Surrounding darkness?
Tick-tock, tick-tock
The inescapable
Nauseating sound,
Lights off.
Sebastian Sebene
Art Nick Victor