Bio Tapestry Restored

Bio tapestry restored by citizens around the world

“The blue and the dim and the dark cloths/Of night and light and the half-light…” Sunday 10 February 2013 7.20 GMT


                                       One of the supreme achievements of the known Universe

 a stitch lost here & there
a species, a loch, a forest
for decades it had been falling
into states of disrepair

                                       its survival over billions of years is little short of miraculous

with parts déjà destroyed
by the construction of armadas
& thousands of armies slashing
its fibres, missiles deployed

                                       the exceptional size & complexity, the harmony & freshness

ceaselessly its strands torn  
by industrial fishing & farming
endless consumption leaving
the embroidered toile so worn

                                       of its colours & exquisite workmanship, & the genius of its guiding

that in some places where
people vanish through holes
others see how futu they’d be without it
& begin mending the tears   

                                      spirit combine to make it infinitely numinous 



(Note: this piece was inspired by a news report in The Guardian on 9.2.13, ‘Bayeux tapestry completed by group of Alderney residents’.) 

is Guernsey slang, after the French foutu, fucked.


Helen Moore

Pic: Claire Palmer

Helen Moore – ecopoet, Forest Schools practitioner, community artist/activist


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