Buckingham Palace

After A. A. Milne

hw6“Maybe it’s time to ask whether Prince Andrew is a man
with sufficient moral integrity to travel the globe
promoting UK weaponry to tyrants.”

Frankie Boyle

They’re changing guard at Buckingham Palace –
Christopher Robin goes down with Alice.
Alice is armed with a citizen’s warrant
“It’s time we stemmed this paedo torrent,”
…………………………………Says Alice.

“If Prince Andrew had sex with my daughter
“When she was under age
“He should be prosecuted”, girl’s father comments
“A man who can’t hide his rage”,
…………………………………Says Alice.


They’re changing guard at Buckingham Palace –
Christopher Robin goes down with Alice.
They pass a bear-skinned guard in his sentry-box.
Complaining that a royal has given him the pox
…………………………………“Poor you”, says Alice.

They’re changing guard at Buckingham Palace –
Christopher Robin goes down with Alice.
“No one’s above the law due to money and fame,
“The twat’s in denial and his excuses are lame.”
…………………………………Says Alice.

They’re changing guard at Buckingham Palace –
The Prince is spotted by Christopher and Alice.
“Your paedo ponce Epstein found you underage girls!”
“Hey, watch the Prince blush as the Queen’s lip curls!”
…………………………………Bellows Alice.

They’re changing guard at Buckingham Palace –
Christopher Robin goes down with Alice.
“The Prince had his pimp at Sandringham, the pervy shit –
“And their sex slaves in tow I shouldn’t wonder a bit.”
…………………………………Calls out Alice.

They’re changing guard at Buckingham Palace –
Christopher Robin goes down with Alice.
“Sex parties in Balmoral and in Windsor’s polo grounds
“And sex slaves silenced with a few hundred pounds!”
…………………………………Jeers Alice.

They’re changing guard at Buckingham Palace –
Christopher Robin goes down with Alice.
“Time we grew out of fairy stories. No Queens, no Kings!
“No kiddy-fiddling arms dealers awash with bling!”
…………………………………Proclaims Alice.

They’re changing guard at Buckingham Palace –
Christopher Robin goes down with Alice.
She sees a lecherous royal eyeing up her young boy,
“Let’s get out before these nonces make you their toy,”
…………………………………Urges Alice.


Heathcote Williams

andrew 4.psd


By Heathcote Williams

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One Response to Buckingham Palace

    1. A couple of questions: What did he actually do to be awarded so many medals? And has he ever actually been to York?

      Comment by Claire on 29 January, 2015 at 7:59 pm

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