Recall the cry of creation,
Nature is hurt from your
Own caring hands.
Your hands that behold the soil,
And plant the caring seed for future.
Feel the inner doom,
And suffocation of your city breath
And remember how you wanted
A hiking break,
Up to the height of earthly firmament.
How do you heal yourself?
You cannot change your own room
But traveling destinations
Rejuvenate you.
The water from the well
Is your natural bounty.
Realize, rethink, rejuvenate yourself
And ring a bell
More closely to enter humanhood.
Nature is your companion
To humanhood;
It takes a part of you
And gives you its part wholly.
Nature does not play a selfish game,
A close step to preserve it
Can be treasured.
A statue of nature,
Can you design and sculpt?
What elegant countenance
Will you sculpt, in that statue of nature?
Isn’t nature your occasion
To celebrate
Every awaking dawn.
Does nature forget to rise,
From your slumbering dusk?
Nature is tireless.
When creation sobs,
Do you still
Build your concrete comfort?
Suburbs keep nature alive,
Every city needs a suburb vacation.
A time that is taken to miss
Earthly petrichor,
Isn’t it a worship to rain god?
Faith is intermixed in
The jungle of concrete.
© Sushant Thapa
Biratnagar-13, Nepal
Picture Nick Victor