
I confess my sins
not to the crosses you bear

for I have a few of my own
along with a fire
to contend with

Remember when Caligula
anointed his horse
as a Senator of Rome?

Ever hear the spin
about how history repeats itself?

These modern creatures are of the same ilk –
stone cold, batshit
cray cray

caw caw

Judas goats gnaw
on the tin cans
of their own spiritual destitution





Scott Thomas Outlar



Scott Thomas Outlar lives and writes in the suburbs outside of Atlanta, Georgia. His work has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net. He guest-edited the Hope Anthology of Poetry from CultureCult Press as well as the 2019, 2020, and 2021 Western Voices editions of Setu Mag. He has been a weekly contributor at Dissident Voice for the past seven years. Selections of his poetry have been translated into Afrikaans, Albanian, Azerbaijani, Bengali, Dutch, French, Hindi, Italian, Kurdish, Malayalam, Persian, Serbian, and Spanish. His seventh book, Evermore, was written along with coauthor Mihaela Melnic and released in 2021. More about Outlar’s work can be found at



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