Cold Pastoral


Cold Pastoral!’ – John Keats

All teachers are shepherds,
herders to the water-troughs,
civilisation’s culture-pots. Some
shepherds are more creative
than others, it has to be said.

You can lead a horse, but
who knows whether it will lap,
ignorantly wait & yawn,
or merely urinate

                             into the Grecian Urn?




(Dedicated to all my friends & colleagues who diligently work in ‘the field of education’)







Mark Wilson



Mark Wilson has published four poetry collections: Quartet For the End of Time (Editions du Zaporogue, 2011), Passio (Editions du Zaporogue, 2013), The Angel of History (Leaky Boot Press, 2013) and Illuminations (Leaky Boot Press, 2016). He is the author of a verse drama, One Eucalyptus Seed, about the arrest and incarceration of Ezra Pound after World War Two. His poems and articles have appeared in: The Black Herald, The Shop, 3:AM Magazine, International Times, The Fiend, Dodging the Rain, Epignosis Quarterly, The Ekphrastic Review, Rasputin and Le Zaporogue.





















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