Crushing It


In the Centre for Centres the figures don’t lie down with lambs, don’t skate on thin ice cream. They run with the cream, with their Gold Standard access to the cream of the cream, and a five-point plan to actualise the dream scenario through innovative leverage and employment of the word surface as a transitive verb. The Deputy Director for Direction assures us that he is moving the needle, broadening the bandwidth, and thinking outside the box of low-hanging fruit, as our core competencies colonise the bleeding edge. When he takes it offline, the paradigm shifts, the cream curdles, and the lions come by to sniff the easy meat. All our ducks are in a row, but what was so recently the Centre is now a bombsite in a ballpark, the ocean’s boiling, and we’re primed for small sacrifices as we throw the dead weight – that is: ethics, ideals, and values now rotten to the core – under a bus that’s stopping for no one.




Oz Hardwick
Picture Nick Victor





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