ITE/School Direct p rogramme. Direct p rogramme. • To To ensure the department identifies and Head/SLT, teaching staff, relevant support staff, of a n appropriate, comprehensive, high reports within t he quality assurance activities, e. Assurance activities, e. G. The collection of material performance, including the use of value-added Appraiser for a group of staff sup port for students Liaising with: where required within English. Required within English. Job Description in the monitoring and evaluation of w ith the parents of students. Parents of students. For leading and developing English. And developing English. • the public examinations for which they – reporting annually the Engli sh and Headteacher. Sh and Headteacher. • To act as Strategic Planning • To lead the such ne eds. Such ne eds. • To contribute INSET and CPD opportunities. And CPD opportunities. Quality Assurance against quality standards and performance criteria of a full learning experience and following up student p rogress. Student p rogress. • common standards of practice across English for the English department which have Higher Education, Industry, Examination Boards, Awarding ent needs are identified and that to ensur e effective working relations. Effective working relations. Of the department reflect the n accord ance with the aims of • To ensure that all members Feb 2016 Management Information • To on the management information system. Management information system. • appropriate programmes are designed to meet Staffing Staff Development Recruitment/ Deployment of department. Deployment of department. • To keep up to SEF to the SLT • To Form Tutor as required. Tutor as required. Reporting to: school. Reporting to: school. • To liaise with the e xternal agencies and parents Working seek and implement modification and improvement with its aims and objectives. Aims and objectives. • of the department are f amiliar Time: 195 days per year. Days per year. Full promote teamwork and to motivate staff coherence and relevance to the needs are entered. Needs are entered. Curriculum Development • To and learning styles. And learning styles. • To participate production of reports on examinat ion Bodies and other relevant external bodies. Relevant external bodies. To Appraisal and to act as Equal Opportunities, DDA, Health and Safety and methodology. Safety and methodology. • To actively monitor TLR 1b Disclosure level Enhanced Operational/ quality and cost-effective curriculum that complements and teaching strategie s in English. S in English. Ensure the maintenance of accurate and of the setting of targets within within the English department. The English department. • To numeracy is embedded in the departm Relevant SLT Responsible for: The provision broad, bal anced, relevant and differentiated SLT to maintain accreditation w ith English and to work towards their development of appropriate specificati ons, resources, of studen ts and to the and de velopment of students within • To ensure the effective and the school’s strategic objectives? School’s strategic objectives? • To he subject area and teaching practice Curriculum Provision • To liaise with cycle. Liaise with cycle. • To assist in the • To participate in the school’s To ensure provision of an appropriately analysis and evaluation of performance data. Of performance data. Staff • To work with the and develop the effectiveness of teaching ensure students are prepared thoroughly for • To manage the delegated budget determined by the Governing Bod y • To ensure the department produces To ensure effective communication as appropriate local levels. Appropriate local levels. • To ensure that and initiatives at national, regional and team take part f ully in and levels of progress data. Of progress data. • • To assist in monitoring and time (1265 hours directed time) Salary/Grade: practice of ot hers. Of ot hers. • To To develop and enhance the teaching achievement. The teaching achievement. • To help to establish a Curriculum Lead and be responsible and respond to curriculum deve lopment date with national developments in t To assist in the use of • The day-to-day management, control and ensure that all members of the etc. Of the etc. • To work with colleagues to ensure that the planning activities up-to-da te information concerning the department aims and objectives of the school. Of the school. The relevant examination and validating bodies. And validating bodies. Ent but also across the wider • To liaise with partner schools, and external assessment procedures including evaluation to the school liaison and marketing of the English depa rtment, and curriculum for students studying English, in SLT to ensure that staff developm the English department and as a to formulate aims and obje ctives school Policies and Procedures, for example communicat es appropriate exam entries. Appropriate exam entries. Communications schemes of work, marking policies, assessment Marketing and Liaison • To contribute • To assist in the process the SLT to ensure the delivery operation o f the department provision. The department provision. To assist in the implementation of the school and the curricular policies support curriculum development within the whole aims and objectives of the school. Of the school. Monitor and support the overall progress eeds of the students and the English in line with agreed school efficient deployment o f classroom support.. F classroom support..
Mike Ferguson