Soft and fluffy and welcoming worlds are available if you can be bothered
to go look for them. Lost souls spend all their time complaining about being
in a place “where messages refuse to send”. One often says something
that sounds more perceptive than it really is. A common failing of folk is to not
recognize the flaky nature of the position they think they occupy. The sector
of the probability landscape bounded by all other possibilities and which is
therefore understandably resigned to the idea of loss now has its own app.
Boys are dumping girls and girls are dumping boys every single minute of
the day in this world and the next. Endless love comes these days with a health
warning. Deckchairs are one of life’s many complicated facts and may cause
problems. “We call forth our own ends.” One sometimes senses a struggle for
stylistic autonomy within The Creator’s so-called range. Nearing the oceanside
it is sensible to admit there need not be much in the way of a flowing narrative
anywhere close by. One might rely on “mood” but “mood” is very unreliable.
Nobody on earth should eat a rabbit’s head but some people are tucking in to
rabbit heads. “Vegan Revitalizing Cream”, whatever that is, does not guarantee
the recovery of lost youth. One often hears other people claiming to have
experienced “the other”. Some things have to be believed to really be seen.
When asked to accept an alternative, think thrice, and consider carefully. The
collapsation of the partition between representation and the symbolic reminds
us how abstraction is. Hang around: something wonderful is sure to happen.
Martin Stannard