Watch to see why animals need you on 14th June

There’s less than one month to go until Stop Live Transport International Awareness Day – and the animals subjected to this horrific trade need your voice now more than ever.

You may have already read the report of our latest investigation, trailing one of the many exhausting journeys that unweaned calves have recently made from Scotland to the Continent.

Please – watch and share the new investigation film, which shows why the world must come together on 14th June to Stop Live Transport.


Filmed over three days, this investigation reveals the cramped and gruelling conditions animals are forced to endure during UK live exports. Hearing the calves cry out, and watching them try to suckle and bite the bars of their truck, is heartbreaking.

Sadly, UK live exports are just one terrible example of the cruelty inflicted on animals, worldwide, by long distance live transport. That is why it is crucial we come together to grow the global movement to end this trade.

If you haven’t already done so, please join campaigners around the worldwho are getting ready to take action this Stop Live Transport International Awareness Day!

London location confirmed – Hyde Park!

We’re delighted to announce that this year’s flagship London event will be held in Hyde Park from 5pm-6.30pm on 14th June. Join us and hundreds of supporters already set to attend!

In Scotland, OneKind, Ayreshire Animal Save, and Compassion’s Edinburgh volunteer group will all be uniting outside the Scottish Parliament on 12th June to mark the beginning of our symbolic truck journey from Scotland to Ramsgate, Kent.

And, if you live near Ramsgate, please join Compassion and Kent Action Against Live Exports on 13th June for a special event to mark the arrival of the campaign truck on the south coast.

Uniting Worldwide

A huge thank you to all those who are already joining us or running events in June.

So far, campaigners in 24 countries are taking part, from Zagreb Animal Save in Croatia to the Women and Children Foundation in Uganda. The support for this movement really is global! You can find your nearest event on our interactive map.

If you can’t find an event near you, why not organise your own? Whether you hold a rally, stage a candlelight vigil or hand out leaflets, your voice will help to make a difference for animals. Let us know about your action here!

Whatever you do for Stop Live Transport International Awareness Day, we look forward to standing with you to help end this cruel trade.

On behalf of farm animals everywhere, thanks for all your support!

Sophie Peutrill

Sophie Peutrill
Campaigns Officer


By Heidi Stephenson

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