Never doubt for one moment
the algorithms are after you,
hoping you’ll forget who you are
(though they never forget),
hoping you won’t put up a fight,
that you’ll come quietly,
lured in by a trail
of paperback books
(or whatever your thing happens to be)
to take your place in society;
that despite your taste
in (say) literature,
all you aspire to
‘s good sex, an SUV,
a clean worktop, smiling children,
holidays in the sun
(after all, what’s life for
if it’s not for having fun?)
in that order
(more or less) and
a job (or two) to pay the bills
finance the thrills
(it’ll probably fall short
but once you’re lured in, you’re caught)
and once you’ve done your bit
for the nation,
to end it all
with a no-fuss cremation.
Dominic Rivron
Picture Nick Victor