Elegy (For Donna Snyder)

Void dins noon o’clock in the piazza.
A serpent’s last winter rolls around,
as light as a skin.

The prayers went in search of
my friend’s soul. I pour the spirit of ‘now’.
The messages from ‘then’ scrolls
for a lightyear and some thousands miles.

Listen to the clock. The nearby dock
coils around a ship sailed away.





Kushal Poddar
Picture Nick Victor


Donna Snyder was an amazing friend. Life is full of you and Ronna and some others whom I never met physically.


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One Response to Elegy (For Donna Snyder)

    1. Familiar with her work with the National Beat Poetry Foundation – will be missed, for sure.

      Comment by Karlostheunhappy on 2 October, 2022 at 11:38 am

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