Eric Morecambe (Extinction Rebellion) Supports the Strikers!

Morecambe, Thursday 27th April 2023      PHOTO by Sam Ud-din


NEU strikers and sympathisers joined Eric Morecambe (holding an Extinction Rebellion flag

behind his back in classic fashion) on a grey Thursday to demand a long overdue, fully-funded, pay rise for teachers and nurses – the essential backbone and future of society.

Local Conservative MP, David Morris . . . facing the wrong way as usual


At one point the strikers were even joined by insubstantial, pro-Nuclear[i], climate-change denying, social crisis denying, everything-obvious denying, Conservative lackey, David driving-past-in-Morecambe-&-Heysham[ii], Morris. If the face seems unfamiliar its because he’s not often around . . .

By this point both of David Morris’ legs had dropped off and the marionette was shrinking


Back from a long, enchanted sleep – in a nearby cellar – Morris was visibly overwhelmed by the occasion. Like the government, he hasn’t a leg to stand on. Pay Up!

Families support the strikes, Morecambe, Thursday 27th April 2023


Local composer, performer, teacher and producer, Peter Moser, along with Eugene Doherty, President of Lancaster and Morecambe Trades Union Council, and Sam Ud-din, District Secretary of the NEU, led the group in several renditions of the song made famous by Morecambe & Wise, Bring Me Sunshine[iii] . . . until we got it right – altering the final chorus[iv] to:

            Bring me funds
            Bring me glue sticks
            Bring me love . . .





© Lawrence Freiesleben

Morecambe, April 28th 2023

[email protected]



NOTES    All notes accessed on April 28th 2023






By Lawrence Freiesleben

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One Response to Eric Morecambe (Extinction Rebellion) Supports the Strikers!

    1. Extinction Rebellion was created by the CIA.Fact.

      Comment by Dave Lawton on 30 April, 2023 at 1:46 pm

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