Happy Birthday Heathcote

Happy Birthday Heathcote Williams
Although you died this Spring
You are alive and well in millions
Of us who heard you finely sing
Of freedom, wonder, laughter, joy
With the skill of Shelley and the heart of a boy
Still dancing innocence into a ploy
To steal back Earth for the hoi polloi
From the dust-grey hollow parasites
That would our life destroy…

You live in us who you inspired
To lust for love and fight for bliss
Transcend all hatred ugly tired
With a bohemian baptist trickster’s kiss

To heal this broken paradise
Though Einstein’s God may roll his dice…
Happy Birthday Heathcote Williams
Although you died this Spring
You live and breathe in millions
Of us who learnt from you to sing


Roddy McDevitt
Pic: Heathcote Williams in Orlando


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One Response to Happy Birthday Heathcote

    1. And Happy Birthday from all your friends at IT xxx

      Comment by Editor on 16 November, 2017 at 12:34 am

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