How a used bookstore in Kathmandu’s Jhochhen captured the spirit of the hippie movement

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2 Responses to How a used bookstore in Kathmandu’s Jhochhen captured the spirit of the hippie movement

    1. An excellent article, I visited Kathmandu in the mid 80s and there was still the vestige of a hippie culture in places like Thamel and Freak Street but now Kathmandu’s polluted atmosphere has driven any such culture away to Lakeside Pokhara where there is a thriving dance culture. A big change from the 60s and 70s is the presence of Russian and other east European visitors, now no longer shackled by Iron Curtain restrictions. Visitors to Kathmandu can still come across palimpsests of the old hippie/beat culture underneath the more modern tourist oriented city.

      Comment by Christopher A Farmer on 12 January, 2020 at 12:32 pm
    2. see guardian G2 Life& Arts page 10 today Himalayan headbangers: heavy metal in Nepal

      Comment by jeff cloves on 13 January, 2020 at 4:45 pm

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