I would like . . .

Forton Services, that fantastic tower again, Summer 2020


I would like ceilings to be brief and a sword that cuts knots.

For all the richness between quiet villages, that downdraught of escape . . .

To feel the flow of cities, undivided.


I would like to live forwards instead of backwards

for my rage to cease

for all our time all over again – without the rubbish


I would like to praise all the earliest motorway services, but don’t approve of the motorways that link them – only the childish hopes they originally engendered (and all the old cars of then – of the 60s and 70s).


I would like to live for a thousand years to see if the human world survives; to see if my instincts are correct: that worthwhile art will be obvious at a glance – the sham and the pose, instantly revealed.

I would like to see Forton’s tower restored to its morning’s glory.

I would like to fly – using only my arms.



© Lawrence Freiesleben,

Cumbria, September 2020


[email protected]



By Lawrence Freiesleben

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