In June Women Will Be Driving in Saudi Arabia

They’re going to be driving
    They’re going to be driving
They’re going to be driving
In Saudi Arabia
    In Saudi Arabia
They’ll be driving to the grocer’s
    They’ll be driving to the grocer’s
They can pick up the kids at school
    They can pick up the kids at school
They’ll be driving to the dentist’s
    They’ll be driving to the dentist’s
They’ll be driving to the sports arena
    They’ll be driving to the sports arena
They’ll be parking the car
    They’ll be parking the car
They won’t need to take a taxi
    They won’t need to take a taxi
They’ll have driver’s licenses
    They’ll have driver’s licenses
They can take the kids to the ocean
   They can take the kids to the ocean
They can pick up the husband at work
    They can pick up the husband at work
They can drive to each other’s houses
They can drive to each other’s houses


You can see them smiling through their windshields

They will drive in the rain
They will drive in the sun
They will drive in cloudy weather
In the deep desert
In the Kingdom
In Saudi Arabia
Jack Foley
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