Last train to Straightsville

train 3









On the last train to Straightsville

fake leopard skin sneakers
a flat cap floating

Girls on the way back
playing clips from
their mint concert
on limited digital camera
“Remember that, kid?”

Last chance to get off
but I’m on the last train

muttering invisibles
bubbling in
cartoon voices
intense word sounds
but urgent

Orange light streaks
collide with silver-shred
tangled shots
of young & lovely
loud, laughing mouthful
perfect, cloud-teeth
falling into
aisles of reality

“We need to be moving”
it’s still mental-land
in Straightsville
or what they call normal
the fuckers

Giggling girls
shout and gambol
“will you get off…”
If only I could
no more stations but this one
last train to Straightsville


Paul Blackburn
Pic: Claire Palmer

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