Marcus Aurelius ‘Round Midnight


The world turns on her side to dream
To close her eyes still sore
In lucid eulogy of poets ‘dead’
That is to say “Collected” safe away
From England into Dreamland   –   many say
Poetry is childish dreamland anyway   –
The realists and pragmatists have made it scarcely
Mention-able   –   or Refugee
Between their virtual and ‘real’ reality

The outer world seems such a vivid dream   –
A livid ‘waking-dream’ of dramas   –
The inner world so often is denied
But surely now’s the time
The world might shut her eyes
Not in ‘denial’ but in evocation   –
Equal Opportunity of balance and regard   –
For who denies
This urbanised dystopia is nightmare?

And so I say   –   ‘real’ to real
Suppression of our sanctity and sanity
Our common and organic unity   –
That might be lifted now
Redeemed from past ‘mythology’
Into a numinous present
Or future time counts down to shared despair

Here then is my ‘elegy’   –   a bonus in advance
Of biological inevitable audit   –
May it accrue interest in ‘Futures Markets’
Eluding Number-Crunchers’ quantification   –
Some who hate their profits
Overturned by prophets

As one who scorned and scandalised
Temple-Merchandise dot com
Throwing down its tables of exchange   –
They stitched him up by night
Then buried him in a bible   –
Such aphoristic poetry   –   as if
Love can love to love without return?

This ‘elegy’   –   a bonus in advance   –
Stop your hard-drive start yourself a life!
Drop in Tune out Turn off
Livestream Celebrity Infotainment Channels…
Satellite Laser Surgery of asteroids and stars…
Foodbank Warm-Room ‘deserving poor’ Parsimony…

Some buy to sell to buy to sell again
The same re-packaged trash to dupe the poor
To ‘educate’ by dumbing-down the soul
To sit isolate and ‘fit’ a hypocritic culture
Where ‘privacy’ is yesterday where ‘now’ is obsolete
Except as down-load…up-load…loaded dice…
Beach Body Glamour Limited Edition

Here is my ‘elegy’   –   a bonus in advance
Lifetime Opportunity   –   One Week Only
Slaves allowed by law
To march for lighter chains!

Love and Death are duelling   –
West End Theatre-land
Broadway Great White Way
Golgotha Piccadilly to L.A.
This Show May Run Forever   –

Investors   –   “Angels”
How shall you invest?



Bernard Saint
Illustration: Claire Palmer




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