Megacity (2)


                                                                        universal love is

                                                                        the body can only be met

                                                                        in penetration





Imagine a city                                                 

not a line across the city                                

the city is the line of love                                           





The city                                                           there’s a tune that goes

is its love                                                         “The market’s been removed

in its Hegelian self-consciousness                   improved with nature

                                                                        impressing on everyone

                                                                        how depressing it is now” 🎶





The dead                                                        

in memory of their universal love                             

even though in cities                                     

wanted a communal table                             

always that bias when dead              





But underneath an overpass                         

traffic pukes over it all                                   

and all that can be done                                

is noting the number of passersby                             

getting puked on                                            






                                                                        can anyone describe

                                                                        the universal love of Megacity





Red human blood pumping underneath       

memories of the future                                  

dragging the city inward                                





Without understanding                                   a boy on a moped flashes

the city is love                                                 through the clogged

but all is Megacity                                           artery of innocent night

                                                                        you say you hate it at night

                                                                        ­­––stop lying





Megacity is love                                             

your life inside Megacity is love                     

your life inside Megacity is universal love               




Matt Turner  


Matt Turner has sevreral of poetry, most recently Slab Phases (BlazeVOX 2022), and have written essays and reviews for Bookform, LARB, Hyperallergic and a number of other journals. I live in New York, where I work as a translator.








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