Modern Culture

Watching flickering screens,
They do not see the Sun set.
Twittering and sending emails,
They do not communicate.
Driving their cars on the asphalt,
They do not notice Hawk in the tree.
Reading newspapers and listening to news,
They do not see Kingfisher on the bank.
Drinking bottled water,
They do not hear the ocean.
Looking for love,
They do not find it.
Seeking power,
They are brutally ruled.
Scrambling for gold,
Their souls rot and rust.
Playing games with each other,
They do not see the abyss at their feet.

Why not stop and look?


Peter Marshall

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2 Responses to Modern Culture

    1. Dear Robert,
      I think that there may be a problem with the like button for this poem. It was on 4, and I know other people have tried to tick the button, but it does not seem to work for them. In fact, it was on 4 likes and when I ticked it, it went down to 2 then 3!

      I would appreciate it if you could check it and let me know.
      Thanks a lot.

      Comment by Liz Marshall on 8 August, 2018 at 2:33 pm
    2. […] Modern Culture […]

      Pingback by New Poem Published in International Times | Peter Marshall on 22 August, 2021 at 3:06 pm

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