The first scene was the bathtub ring
and then out through the window
a little boy cutting out paper dolls singing ring around the rosey
a rose jumped over a pansy into a mud puddle with the sun in it
to the bathroom, the wall paper decorated with Christmas
ornament stars repugnantly cheery to the degree of nostalgic depression
A woman begins to disrobe
in to the unkempt shabby underarm and large perspiration
tears on the enormous lit up breasts one dark ‘n one light
light nearest the window, dark nearest the basin above an
inadequate light fixture below the latter breast
the tub rings
to the ring on the finger obvious Zen intent ornament
began to move unnoticed by the near nude woman who
now nude and situated in the tub cringed at the ring
added hot water relaxed at this mixture pleased, splashed,
picked, sneezed, winked, wheezed, flatulated, bubbles popped
the tub returned to normal
The star began to silently rotate much like the lid of
a large mount jar
jerky ‘n very human being removed from this of course
and entirely on its own
this obviously an example of its picturesque physical
appearance, attitude and formation
alright then
the star recovered after the autopsy upon close analysation
tipped the scales at 10,000 lbs. and was matched with
a metal very much like lead as we know it here
recovered on a mission that successfully returned from
Venus in the late fall of 1975
the star had dropped and lodged just under the woman’s armpit
only one point was visible