A troubadour and mystic
Called Henry Suso
Saw some strange creatures
Dancing and shouting in the streets
And asked, “Who are you?”
“We’re nameless wildness!
Live out every caprice!!
Untrammelled freedom!!!”
These boisterous sprites
In Calvinist Geneva
Would disrupt churches,
Undress in public:
“Brethren of the free spirit!
Be Gods in Eden!”
Like Tantric Buddhists
They’d unselfconsciously
Do it in the road.
Animist anarchists,
They’d declare that to confess
To a tree-trunk
Was much more useful
Than confessing to a priest
In a stone-cold church.
To brothers and
Sisters of the free spirit,
Public ecstasy
Was uninhibited.
Making love was Paradise.
They’d unlock Eden
And hand out duplicate
Keys to the unhappy and
The undeserving whom
They said were poorer
Than the poor. Being naked,
They’d get arrested.
Some were even hanged,
But they still exist today:
Fritz Teufel was one.
Spassguerilla, or
‘Fun Guerilla’ and ‘Pudding
Assassin’, who threw
Bags filled with flour
And yogurt at the US
Hubert Humphrey, on
A state visit to Berlin
In 1967,
While distributing
Posters of the President’s
Rectum – ‘Das privat ist politisch!’–
And translating it
For the outraged FBI:
“The personal is political”.
Humphrey’s bodyguards
Shared a humor by-pass
With German police:
Teufel’s ‘Witz als Waffe’
‘Wit as weapon’ was disliked
By authority –
By the Pig Empire
(The global fourth or fifth Reich,
Now merging into one).
Fritz stood in the dock,
Crapped into his hand;
Threw it at the judge.
This was in Berlin,
In 1969, and
The police had been
Stopped from entering
Squatted streets in Kreuzberg
By sharpened caltraps
Strewn all over the road,
So that approaching police cars
Would burst their tyres
Which slowed them down;
And the cold war was still on,
And the Berlin Wall
Divided the world
Of totalitarian
Warmongers, both
Mad on money
And on centralizing power.
The wall meant nothing
More than two dead states
So Fritz and friends painted it
With surreal slogans
Like “This wall belongs
To the Insect Trust”,
Meaning bureaucrats.
People were shot at
If they even touched the wall.
No man’s land between
East and West Berlin
Was electrified. Rabbits
Flew up from the ground.
Out of the snow. Dead.
At an action in Wannsee
Fritz Teufel was caught
Running through the woods
He was arrested and charged
With ‘krieg gegen die polizei’
(Or ‘war on the police’),
And in court again
His number 2 weapon would
Sail through the courtroom.
Fritz accompanied
The flying turd with a six-
Hundred year old song:
“Ich bin namenlos wildheit
Lebe jeder caprice aus
Freiheit uneingeschrankt.”
“I’m nameless wildness!
Live out every caprice!!
Untrammelled freedom!!!”
These clarion calls
Still inspire troublemakers
Worldwide every day.
For there are no rules –
Only atrophied mindsets,
Unmagical thoughts
And credulous nonsense:
‘You can be helped if you vote
For people to help you!”
Whether voting for
Jesus Christ or a chocolate
Teapot you’ll soon see
Power politics
Trumping altruism, and
Money counting votes
Whilst ambition,
As persistent as a floater in the bog,
Shouts, ‘Love me! Fuck you’.
Voting’s not real life.
Life is cooperation,
Not top-down orders.
In biology,
Cells meet cells without voting.
Voting’s unnatural.
Birds’ formation-flight
Works without leadership or
Any president.
If you’ve seen starlings
Billowing across the sky
Making perfect shapes
(Their wingtips keeping
Aerodynamic distance,
So they’re free-floating)
You’ve watched a working,
Levitating bio-mass
That’s pure anarchism.
Farmers need water?
So they combine together
To irrigate land.
“Autonomy and
Cooperation make governments
Riddley Walker said:
“The only power is no power”
That’s the heart of it.
Each baby is an
Whose feelings persist.
“Anarchism is,
Not a romantic fable
But the hard-headed
Based on five thousand years of
Experience, that
We cannot entrust
The management of our lives
To politicians,
Kings, priest, generals,
And county commissioners,”
Edward Abbey wrote.
‘Ignore alien
Orders’ – unless, of course, you’ve
An infantile need
To subsidize
Some authoritarian
Uniform fetish
Otherwise known as
The State – designed to give you
A splitting headache.
There’s really no need
For anyone to cough up
For authority.
Seen ‘Anarchy lives’?
Or ‘A’ with a circle round?
It comes from Proudhon –
‘Property is theft’ –
As does ‘l’Anarchie, c’est l’ordre’
That’s why there’s a ‘O’
Round Anarchy’s ‘A’.
It stands for natural order
Which evolves slowly
When society
Makes force and money-grubbing
Stones on Proudhon’s grave
Appear like this, in homage:
‘A’ with a circle.
Anarchist order
Arises naturally, whilst
The state’s a mirage
Which demands you pay
For armies in pointless hats
To monopolize force
And then kill people,
Whom they’ve never met before,
On the orders of
Military skinheads
Wearing stamp-collections
On their puffed out chests –
Medals for folly
As they strut past cenotaphs
And nationalist
Totems, forgetting
Life’s too precious to give it
To death-dealing states
Selling you the lie
That their soldiers die for you.
No one dies for you.
No one dies for you!
People live for each other,
Then they live longer.
Anarchy is wild,
And resisting anarchy
Makes you very ill!
It’s man’s natural state,
Making all other systems
Quite superfluous.
Anarchy’s pretty.
Anarchy’s for lovers and
It has more fun.
‘It’ll never work.’
No? yet there’ve been countries that
Forgot to have governments.
Whoever logs on
Is now part of a system
Beyond all control,
Where authority’s
Gone and nation states
Are fading away.
Society is
A money-mad rebellion
Against anarchy.
If anarchy is
Thought to be anti-social
That’s the reason why.
There are labour pains
When anything new is born
And innocence refreshed.
Heathcote Williams
Comment by Helen Moore on 13 April, 2012 at 10:40 pm