Strange Sun is a unique collaboration between poet Jay Ramsay, described as ‘England’s leading transformation poet’ (Caduceus magazine, 2008) who has been writing, publishing and also teaching poetry for 25 years, and a distinctive group of local artist-musicians: Herewood Gabriel, with Indian flute, ballaphon, rainstick and djembe; Oogoo Maia (who teaches music locally), with clavicord and harpsichord; and Angie Spencer with violin. The poetry explores and embodies transformational consciousness, and how we are in our lives in recognizing our essence as human beings with what informs that essence that also belongs to higher levels of existence and vibration. It is about ‘what we may be’ as well as what and who we are as men and women. It is a journey into Light which embraces the darkness and the shadow…hence the album’s title. With 25 tracks (51 minutes in all), many of them short, it also features an alchemical prose-poem ‘Rosa Mundi’ (14.58), which includes Fred Hageneder’s memorable harp, and poet Ella Bloomfield’s voice. The music combines a series of unusual sounds working between the melodic and the atonal, the classical and the experimental; and is perfectly blended, timed and attuned to the speaking voice. Recorded and mastered by sound engineer and musician Andrew Butler at D&B Studios, Stroud, it will be launched on Friday June 22nd 8 to 10pm at Five Valleys Foyer across from Star Anise café, where the group will be playing live with all the instruments and copies of the CD will be available at £10. The event itself is free. Copies of the CD will be available at the local record shops and Made in Stroud, and can also be ordered with a cheque (payable to ‘Jay Ramsay) to 5 Oxford Terrace, Springfield Rd, Uplands, Stroud GL5 1TW.
See also (Awen audio) for website orders via publisher Kevan Manwaring.