now here’s a funny thing:

Percy married Harriet and Mary

why he did it bothers me
legitimised by Church and State
what the hell got into him?
teenagers both and Mary’s mother dead
he should have known better
hey – get me moralising
I too should know
there’s always a gap
between what we believe
and how we behave
if he slipped through it
like most men do
when sex is on offer
well that’s easy enough to understand
except that Mary’s mother wrote
so did he cover his eyes?
close his ears?
baffle his brain?

still happy birthday Percy Byshe
and my sincere condolences
to suicide Harriet 
and The Widow Shelley
how could they have known
it’s so hard for a rich kid
to be true
and no doubt he claimed
like that Cheeky Chappie Max Miller
used to during his hey day
‘I had a go ladies – I had a go’



Jeff Cloves



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