Julie Goldsmith returns to The Crypt Gallery FUNBAR showcase London August 22nd 2019

In a crypt of spectres and shades 
Julie Goldsmith’s plated light reconfigures, 
As if summoned from darkness 
Her guardians of death 

Court the stone. 

While it is still dusk outside 
The taint of night hits each surface,
As if the ceramic and dreamscape 
Were there to make the light itself 

Feel alone. 

A new Christopher Marlowe weeps 
The same dusk or dawn,
                                                 With a trail of blood
On his surface,

Edgar Allan Poe shows attendance 
Observed by the nightmare 
Along with the nacht placed above. 

The images circle the eye,
Portals to a world through the brickwork,
With the last of the moon rolled across them 
Along with the sacrifice 

Sliced from love. 

The prized sheen on show
That was Angela carter’s world is now Herzog’s
As the each Nosferatu  bears witness 
To the hidden realms on display. 

The Goldsmithery shines
As the surrounding night achieves congress,

Where these spirits meet to share shadow 
And to renegotiate the heart’s play. 

Goldsmith’s actors line up;

Wounds on the wall sparked by silence. 

Their communications are distant 
But place your ear to their gaze
And they’ll speak

                                                   Talking in tongues 

Twisted and torn by the forest,
Darkly sainted, undaunted 

By weather and will, cold and heat. 

This is the place the real warps, 
Where hurt is healed and finds partner,
This is the start and the ending 
Of the ruined boy and lost girl:

In this Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition Exhibit

These starred plates and places 

Become spiked affection 
And kisses to calm

A scarred world. 



FUBAR Exhibition curated by the FUBAR Collective runs until Aug 27 

at the Crypt Gallery, St Pancras New Church, Euston Road, London NW1 2BA



David Erdos August 22nd 2019
Photos Ruth Ward

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