The phlogiston in Amazon
burns out of their television.
She suddenly remembers her husband –
still living under the same roof –
went into the deep to find a rare truth
about their relationship
and didn’t return to the heart.
She stared at the wildfire, finds it hard
not to breathe and survive,
albeit because of it suffers from the burn of the guilt.
How would you like
your lungs today?
– Smoked.
The door to the indoor
revolves, a turbine,
and streams in the ghost
of the flame.
The hearth. The earth.
The mom. Her small
All the accents uttered
bear a tinge of you know what –
how would you like your words?
Kushal Poddar
Authored ‘The Circus Came To My Island’, ‘A Place For Your Ghost Animals, Understanding The Neighborhood’, ‘Scratches Within’, ‘Kleptomaniac’s Book of Unoriginal Poems’, ‘Eternity Restoration Project- Selected and New Poems’ and now ‘Herding My Thoughts To The Slaughterhouse-A Prequel’ (Alien Buddha Press)
Author Page – amazon.com/author/kushalpoddar_thepoet
Twitter- https://twitter.com/Kushalpoe
Thank you, Nick. Like I told Reuben the other day, we should write until the mute nature does its own and hunters not remain the only one to do so.
Comment by Kushal Poddar on 24 August, 2019 at 7:59 amExcellent.
Comment by Editor on 24 August, 2019 at 8:01 am