Protest poem #2

Protest poem #2


I don’t like the poetry industry
the way it is run like venture capitalism, elites
cloistered in leaves, white pages

I don’t like the new generation of poets, blanks
churned out by creative writing schools, all technique
no soul, look plums! Freedom in verse! Foolishness!

I denounce regularization, regurgitation, regimentation
No, perfectly, placed, commas, here, true poetry = a sense of risk,
idiocy and mistakes, not a bunch of pedantic cliques

I don’t even know where to put a line
break (the poor quality of this poem is in itself
a protest) and I don’t know any technical terms

I get drunk at poetry readings and giggle through
the latest fêted bunch of sickos, and if I don’t make it as part of the
Thank you, no award could mean more

Charlie Baylis
Illustration Nick Victor

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4 Responses to Protest poem #2

    1. Love .

      Comment by Pippa on 26 April, 2016 at 11:49 am
    2. Loved it even more ❤️

      Comment by Vilne on 25 July, 2016 at 3:47 pm
    3. Love somewhere in the middle of the two of you

      Comment by Kyrill on 16 August, 2016 at 3:12 pm
    4. Yup. No. Other. Words. Required.

      Comment by Dafydd ap Pedr on 9 July, 2017 at 1:43 pm

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