Scarfolk Books


 Scarfolk Children’s Books (1970s)

This year it’s 100 years since Ladybird books were first published. Generations of children turned to these pocket-sized hardbacks for their favourite fairy tales, but not only: They read sanitised, biased accounts of history’s bloodiest chapters, as well as the biographies of popular, cruel despots such as Genghis Khan, Caligula and Queen Elizabeth II. They even learned how to make useless objects from hazardous components and how to destroy imbecilic superstitions with rudimentary science.

Unfortunately, Scarfolk children were not interested in Ladybird books or the subjects that entertained and educated other British children. To meet their needs, the Scarfolk Book company created its own series of small hardback books. A selection of some of the more popular editions is below.


The Horned Deceiver on Blankety Blank, BBC 1, 1979.















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One Response to Scarfolk Books

    1. Hilarious ! A bit like Dung Beetle books (which really do exist) who were sued by Ladybird.

      Comment by Chris Holmes on 24 August, 2016 at 10:03 pm

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