(life could be a dream)
1970 Phun City:
We tooled around a Sussex field
In a messerschmitt bubble car
I was high on D.M.T.
If my memory goes back that far…
1980 Shoot Up Hill:
Needles and black bottom spoons
Were the tools
In our theatre of the absurd
We smiled for hours while in repose
And did not exchange a word
1990 Billy Banter at the Bars:
Riding a Bourbon mystery train
Playing word games off the cuff
Passing through the stations of lacrosse
Until the train ran out of puff
2000 Every where & No where:
In a basement,
There hung a painting
A star surrounded man
Who I have sat facing
Facing myself
And facing others
And failing to
What a changing life is all about
Thank you for keeping me interested
I still miss the Matisse
Well let’s bring things up to date
When you’re being here now
It’s never too late

Harry  Lupino 
Picture Nick Victor

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