Some Old and New Work





I made this #BanFossilAds poster for the new Brandalism campaign about airline advertising alongside some great work by other artists. My poster focused on greenwashing and business class travel. The posters went up in hundreds of sites across Europe. There’s also an Italian translation of my poster that went up over there, which I’ll post on my website in the next few days.

More details here:





I was delighted to be able to show Jeremy Corbyn my Hell Bus exhibition at The World Transformed last month.

We had a chat about nuclear weapons, the Daily Mail and solar powered tanks. He really liked my Don’t Believe Everything Billionaires Tell You image which I made during the 2019 election so I gave him a sticker of it and a Mini Daily Mail lol.




Put this one together super quickly in response to British Cycling’s catastrophic decision to help Shell launder their PR image for the next 8 years.

One of the most absurd parts of this deal is that they’re claiming Shell are going to help British Cycling reach net zero! An oil and gas giant, one of the world’s largest polluters, helping a cycling organisation reduce their carbon emissions! I’m losing my fucking mind.

My only hope with stuff like this is the backlash is actually creating more bad PR for Shell than if they’d simply not done this. 8 years of bad PR for Shell from millions of angry cyclists, sounds like it could be a net positive?



To help with on-going Hell Bus expenses I’m doing a new pre-order only batch of Hell hoodies printed up, you can pre-order yours here until the 20th November when I’ll close the sales page and get them printed to ship out the first week of December.



I was stunned to find out that my print about the Bloody Sunday massacre has been added to the Museum of Free Derry collection.
It’s such an honour to have my work included in a museum as important and close to my heart as this.
Thank you to the museum and Raymond and Maureen Houston for donating it.




I wrote something for a recent issue of DOPE magazine (published by Dog Section Press) about how making satire in a dystopia means it’s frequently overtaken by reality.

You can read it online here.



Next week on the 9th Nov I’ll be representing the Museum of Neoliberalism in a discussion with Migration Museum at Conway Hall. Tickets are free both for in-person and virtual attendance, and can be booked here:

I’m also coming back to Merseyside on the 19th November with the Hell Bus at MAKE Hamilton in Birkenhead. You can see the bus, grab a drink and I’ll also be doing a talk about my work and answering questions about all of it. Book tickets here.



I was very happy today to donate £1000 to Netpol, the network for police monitoring, which was raised from sales of these ACAB badges and stickers.

I’ve also had a few t-shirts with the design printed up to see if there’s enough interest for a full run of them. You can order one here.

This update is public and shareable so please feel free to pass it on. If you’re not on my mailing list but would like to be you can sign up here.


Eternal thanks to anyone who’s ever backed my work on Patreon or through the shop!

And thanks for reading!

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